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1. Absolute Surrender
2. "The Fruit of the Spirit Is Love"
3. Separated unto the Holy Spirit
4. Peter's Repentance
5. Impossible with Man, Possible with God
6. "O Wretched Man That I Am!"
7. "Having Begun in the Spirit"
8. Kept by the Power of God
9. "Ye Are the Branches"


"He must increase, but I must decrease."
-John 3:30


Your God in heaven answers the prayers that you have offered-prayers of blessing for your own life and for others. He asks only for one thing in return: Are you willing to surrender yourselves absolutely into His hands?


Legendary author and Bible teacher Andrew Murray provides wise counsel that will enable you to take a giant step closer to God as you begin your journey into perfect peace and trust. 

Discover the joys of Absolute Surrender to our loving Father today.

Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray

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